Participation in the competition

Educational contest "Brain Ring": conditions of participation


Students / Individual Participants:

Guidance: how to organise participation in "Brain Ring" competitions

The competition for your students can be organised in two formats:

Organising the "Brain Ring" competition in the computer lab at school

  1. Choose a convenient time to host the contest in your computer lab. The contest can be held at any convenient time within the contest dates.
  2. Assign students to workstations in the computer lab so that everyone can access an individual computer.
  3. If the number of participants exceeds the number of computers, divide the participants into multiple groups.
  4. Ask the students to open the website and log in using their individual passcodes. This can be done by clicking on the red "PARTICIPATE" button in the upper right corner of the home page.
  5. Once the participants click the "START" button, the time for completing the contest tasks will start counting down.

Organising the "Brain Ring" competition at home

  1. Print out the password cards and hand them to the students.
  2. According to the brief instructions on the cards, students should go to, select the desired subject and click on the red "PARTICIPATE" button in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. In the window that appears, students should enter their password and click the "START" button.

Can't print out the password cards?

What should I do if a participant forgets the passcode for the contest?

What should I do if a participant cannot take part in the contest?